Warner Hotels, originally founded in 1932 as Warner Holiday Camp, is a hospitality company that boasts numerous picturesque countries and coastal real estate throughout the UK – including North Wales, Somerset, Hefordshire, Berkshire, North Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, Isle of Wight , Isle of Wight, Isle of Wight Suffolk, Hampshire and Warwickshire.
Over the past four years, the head of Madoc Batiers has been involved in all challenges for cloud and cyber security that could be thrown in such a business.
“I came to the office just before Cavid for two weeks,” he explains. “There we were told to all go home.” So at the beginning I thought, “What did they do? How many hospitals, right at the beginning of Covid.
But the experiments and the trials faced in these years do not obscure those who are faced by someone who works in the cloud and cyber security beyond hospitality.
“Meanwhile and other vertical ingredients are not many different.” It is the same problem, but at the end of the day you emerge at another client at the end of the day. You need to make sure that all your services, your applications and your infrastructure are safe and can be used without interruption.
“So it is resistance, redundancy and availability of all your services. It’s the same with every sector. If you can use this technology or your customers cannot use this technology, you will not be returned to generations. So everything must be in operation 24/7.
“I assume that when you have a hotel or work elsewhere in the free industry, your customers are right in the forefront.” If you work in one of the hotels and have a problem, you will be bombarded by a number of complained there. It does not exist. ”

Warner Hotels is Stoycation Company. “We run about 18 suitable in the UK, with two new ones in Scotland,” the drums explain. “So we offered short breaks for adults – that’s our line.” We’ve been doing it for many, many years. We were part of a larger group called Born Group, and this included, Butlins and Warner. Butlins was sold out about a year ago and we are now with Warner and Haven. I worked for Haven. Now I work for Warner and we decided to stand on our own two legs. So we have a little department from Haven, just to run it as a separate business.
“I am the head of the cloud and the security for my sins.” My earlier career was on the net. So I was ccie already in 2003, so many, many years ago. Although it is not in my job, I also got a network. I will take care of the net side – on the side of Wan.
Love to change
The main challenge with which Batars faced is to influence change.
“We propose a life cycle on services and find out how we can optimize them and improve them for our team and customers,” he says. “But I think it’s a challenge to hand to make sure people come with a change.” I think people are generally lazy at the end of the day, right? So I think we have to get them on the day.
“I love changes.” It’s one of the things I chase. Maybe I’m a little remote, but it’s all about changing culture within society – it may change the organizational structure with society as well.
“We have undergone a big change in the transition from modified, traditional teams such as operations, design, security, to more aligned topology, where we would have a team that would take care of a specific service or application, and that would be that you build it, you own it
“So you would have security, design and network creation in this small unit to take care of this system.” In this way, it also allows you to move to faster infrastructure. This is one of the metrics we use for success. How much can we influence the change in business? And it’s not just the tools and pipes you introduce. In this way, these teams are structured and quickly allow fast flow and repair flow. ”
One of the latest changes in the hotel group included Bathers and his team redefining network infrastructure by accepting the cloud-S strategy with a network infrastructure-A-Service of Alkira.
Traditionally, whenever we needed to make a change on either a new service or have new endpoints that open for our Firewall rules, we had to go through the traditional management system to manage change.
“We enrolled on an internormal ticket.” We will come to raise it with our external provider that WoW will be visible. They would come to change. This was devoted most of the time. It would be right. But quite often we would check the connectivity and it wouldn’t work again.
“We would have to go through the white process again to make sure it is done.” This may take several days, possible within weeks. So we wanted to be able to influence the change in the same way we influenced the change with the cloud.
“The way we donate it, as I spoke, have changed the organizational structure to comply with it.” But the tools that we also deployed as an infrastructure as a code. We used the whole Gitops methodology. So we have a control version, we store our infrastructure code in Github. We have the CICD pipes we use,
So we use GITHUB actions to start the pipeline, which allows us to connect automation to this pipe and also allows engineers to approve the change itself and may not go through the advice for changing the old.
Warner Hotels also wanted the same network ability. Batters met with Alkira representatives during the Amazon Web Summit 24 to find that the company’s network infrastructure as a service was the right solution that met their needs. And that was.
“We are really attractive because they can also use Terraform infrastructure as a code,” he says. “So we can make this level of changes in the same way we turn into a cloud network. They also use Terraform in the right native way. Many networks will say that they are using Terraform but will use Terraform temporary. So it’s like a local executing or remote provision on exercise that affects a call or connection to that field. It is almost like logging into the field and making a change by recording a script or by typing the command into it. Another way to do this in Hyper Scaler is a real source block designed to configure this source. And that’s exactly how Alkira emerged. Their use of terraform. ”
According to battles, the hotel group implements it on more internships. “The first internship was to exceed the connection to the multi -Cloud together. We run AWS, New Zealand. We wanted to connect it. Traditionally, we had the smoking of a direct connection with our prepa and then backup of the express road to the reserve. So we go from the loop back via Prime to have a multi-cloud connection.
“We wanted the direct cloud to the cloud.” So we did it in Alkira really fast, and it probably happened to the moon when we joined each other. We have made several parks to make sure things work and then promote live traffic.
“Alkira also gives us the opportunity to have virtual files. You can deploy a number of segments within the Alkira network. So we have a third -party segment, we have a call segment for our Multi Cloud and set a new segment for our connection.
“Now all the flows between these Firewalled segments can be with a virtual firewall.” So we will also get up the virtual firewall in theirs to have the central point of security prandceration, rather than they had to push further towards the edges. So we will do everything again with the infrastructure as a code in the Alkira network.
Warner Hotels will also bring all its connectivity to the hotel directly through the Alkira network, so it will act as a center for all its central links between clouds, the third parts and its hotel sites.
Rapidly affecting changes
They believe it is necessary to have established systems that can affect rapid change. In the hotel business, it notes that it is necessary to respond to any high speed.
“To do this, you must be able to quickly influence your changes,” he says. “So I think there will be more and more in the coming years.” There is also a lot of shifting that I am a big advocate. After deploying, make sure your security is pushed into the pipe. This authorization gives your developers to see that they are deploying uncertain infrastructure or uncertain connectivity over your network and can make a thresher immensely before they deploy it because they receive insight about what it deploys and gets a lot of deployment and a lot of automation the back of the back.
“We use a number of tools that, when we see uncertainty, tickets automatically increase. This reduces the administrative burden on creating tickets to solve security problems that are created automatically and have them automatically closed when security problems are solved. It only stops engineers who make all administrators. Remove the administrator. No one likes admin.
BATHERS recommends that other companies ensure that their organizational structure is monitored by the type of deployment that allows them to change rapidly. And accept new technology.
“We accepted Alkir.” It was exactly what I was looking for, but you have to be brave. You must accept new technology. You have to start from some old bias that many organizations do not do. Many of this are around the organizational structure and how they affect changes and receiving faster ways of deployment of infrastructure and networks. ”
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